Miss Muffin: Piss off, vermin.
Squirrel: Fuck you, cat! Where's my damn crackers?
Miss Muffin: C'mere. I'll show you.
Squirrel: Right. You think I got so old and fat bein' stupid? Get off my damn porch.
Miss Muffin: Come down and make me, you fleabag crumb-beggin' mother fucker.
Squirrel: Oh no you didn't!
Miss Muffin: That's right. Come teach me a lesson, or else shut your nut hole and get lost.
Squirrel: I ain't goin' nowhere. I was here first! I was born in this tree.
Miss Muffin: You're gonna die in that tree.
Squirrel: Big talk from a little cat on a porch.
Miss Muffin: I'm gonna kick your mangy ass!
Squirrel: That's not what the mouse says.
Miss Muffin: Screw you!
Squirrel: No, screw you!
Miss Muffin: Screw you!
Squirrel: No, screw you!
(continue for an hour.)