I have been thinking about Magic Winter Gift-Giving Time (let's fac

I wouldn't celebrate Magic Winter Gift-Giving Time, and I'd be brave enough to explain my reasons to my kids. Other people have had to do that with Santa and Christmas stuff all these years, so it's only fair that I fight for my convictions for a change. Here's how I would celebrate the season:
- In lieu of Santa leaving presents in the wee hours between December 24 and December 25, St. Nicholas would leave gifts for children only in the wee hours between December 5 and December 6. I would call the kids in sick to school that day, and we'd celebrate St. Nick's feast day.
- Adults won't get presents. Deal with it and shut up.
- Instead of the tree being the focus, I'd get a manger scene and keep adding to it every year. Like my Halloween village, only it'll be Bethlehem and shepherds and stuff.
- I'd celebrate Advent, and we'd make a Jesse Tree.
- We'd have a huge party Christmas Eve, which would resemble Thanksgiving instead of the monotonous gift-opening extravaganza we currently have. It's boring and the kids start ripping open packages like ravenous hyenas. I'd rather have a big feast, games and convivial friend/familial interaction.
- Christmas Day would resemble a lazy Sunday, going to Church (if we didn't go the night before) and lounging around playing games and eating leftovers.
- We'd have another party on Three King's Day, with a nice dinner and King's Cake. The end.
I know I don't have a snowflake's chance in hell of making any of this happen, but it's my dream, anyways.
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