I remember I was at Penny Goke's third grade slumber party. It was about 2:30 a.m. or so, and I was really tired. Another girl wanted to stay up to watch "Twisted Brain" on TV, but I said, "YOU'RE a Twisted Brain!" and it made the other girl cry.
That's the first and last I'd ever heard of "The Twisted Brain" until now. In retrospect, I should've watched it:
"A nerdy highschool super whiz experiments with a chemical which will transform his guinea pig "Mr. Mumps" from a gentle pet into a ravenous monster. In a fit of rage against his tormenters at the highschool, Vernon Potts (Pat Cardi) goes on a killing spree, eliminating all of those who ever picked on him - the Gym Coach, the School Jock, The Creepy Janitor(Mr. Griggs)& his hated teacher,Mrs Grindstaff. In the end he gets the jock's girlfriend for himself but his happiness is shortlived as the potion turns him into a monster hunted by the towns lame police Leuitenent..."
It sounds wonderful!