Ten Top Trivia Tips about Ubermilf!
- Ubermilf can live for up to a week without a head.
- Ubermilf has a bifurcated penis!
- If ubermilf was life size, she would stand 7 ft 2 inches tall and have a neck twice the size of a human!
- You would have to dig through four thousand kilometres of ubermilf to reach the earth's core.
- Devoid of her cells and proteins, ubermilf has the same chemical makeup as sea water.
- Ubermilf can give birth ten days after being born, and is born pregnant!
- Ubermilf became extinct in England in 1486.
- Ubermilf is 1500 years older than the pyramids.
- Wearing headphones for an hour will increase the amount of ubermilf in your ear 700 times.
- The most dangerous form of ubermilf is the bicycle!
Also, THIS WOMAN should have her vagina sewn shut without anesthesia. Then stuck repeatedly with pins and soaked in a lemon juice/saltwater bath.