First, I stopped at I'm going to call him E-Fed for short. He speaks Spanish; I speak high school Spanish. I need an interpreter for this video:
Next, I came to the most exciting find of my experiment at the cure-cancer blog -- Coco the Colossal Colon.

Keep your eyes peeled -- Coco may be appearing in a town near you soon.
Thirdly, I came upon a hapless college student's blog. I learned three things: he REALLY LOVES his girlfriend, Heather (who will probably break up with him within the next couple of years, maximum, because he is smothering her); he used the word "verisimilitude"; he's writing an Oscars post which has no hope of being as funny as Todd's. Although Todd will likely not use the word verisimilitude.
All in all, I must say the cancer site was the most interesting. Who'd have thought?
Also, this is a test. It is only a test.