But evil has started to infiltrate the happy world of coupons. It started small, with some odd knick knacks and collector plates here, pull-on stretch pants and orthopedic shoes there. Now, we have pages WITHOUT ANY SORT OF COUPON OR DISCOUNT TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE.
Sirs and mesdames of the credit card industry, is it not enough that you befoul our mailboxes with your unsolicited offers -- must you infiltrate our coupon sections as well?
And you, Direct TV -- have you no other avenue open to you for advertising, that you must take up space in my beloved coupon section with your filthy, coupon-less, full-page shill? Not even a "mention-this-ad-and-get-something?" For shame!
Is it not bad enough that we are assaulted weekly with items such as this:
or this:

Woe to the future of coupons if this trend continues.
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