But for my money, not that I spent any, I vote this story as a prime example of how we've gone from this:

to this:

in about a generation or so.
I don't care what political or economic system you pick, it breaks down under the weight of cheaters and schemers and selfish jerks who game the system. Like this woman.
People are driven by compassion and the desire to help others, until they get ripped off by someone taking advantage of their better nature. Like this woman.
Human relationships should be the stuff of love, understanding, empathy, shouldering good times and bad, sharing laughs and sorrows -- unless they are reduced to a crude commodity. Like that woman did. (He'd stay for the chance to touch some big boobies...)
This woman has singlehandedly demonstrated how to take down the basic building blocks of society through her ridiculously selfish and short-sighted actions.
That's pretty impressive, actually.