I have never been called a "cunt" before today. I would like to celebrate losing my "cunt" virginity with all of you, my friends.
This is what Wikipedia says about "cunt:"
Cunt is an English term that refers to the human female genitals. In modern English the word vagina is considered more polite, though strictly speaking this word only refers to a specific part of the genitals. In Oxford, London, and other English towns and cities in the Middle Ages there were roads named "Gropecunt Lane" where prostitutes plied their trade; these roads were renamed by the Victorians.
"Cunt" is also used as a term of abuse: in American English, it is mainly directed at women, and tends to imply that the named person is extremely nasty and unpleasant in a way that bitch does not imply. It is generally considered the most offensive description one can attribute to a female.
Very interesting, especially the part about "Gropecunt Lane."
I also found a Cunt Circus, a Cunt Coloring Book, and a movie called "Cunt Dykula."
I hope we've all learned a little something about cunts today. I know I have.