(Cue thunderstorm, wailing winds) They were dark days for the music world. The horror began in 1986 and stretched throughout the last years of the decade. True, some whisperings of the soul-deadening tunes that would reign over a terrified world began earlier in the decade... Huey Lewis and the News... Whitney Houston... disastrous Paul McCartney duets. But nothing could prepare us for what we would find in 1986.
Like M, I'm talking about pop music. There are notable exceptions to anything, of course, but... just look at the Top 40 charts. If you take out Peter Gabriel, what do you have?
"That's What Friends Are For" -- Number 1. Need I go on? I sense you're not convinced. How about not one, but TWO Mister Mister hits in the top 10 -- "Kyrie" and "Broken Wings." How about the one-hit wonders; do Klymaxx "I Miss You", Nu Shooz "I Can't Wait" and Glass Tiger "Don't Forget Me (When I'm Gone)" ring a bell?
I think I've made my case. But if you remain unconvinced, may I suggest you download and listen to Number 23, Secret Lover by Atlantic Star.
Go ahead...