Dilf left for San Francisco Monday morning at 6:30 a.m. and won't land at O'Hare until Friday night at 10:30 p.m.
Sunday is UberYounger's birthday party and she's expecting a grand Cinderella-themed event. My mother and sisters are judgemental perfectionists.
I have a migraine, cramps, and nausea and am having trouble with basic survival skills. I also haven't had much sleep in two days.
My household's condition has deteriorated as a result and I am falling behind instead of making progress. Laundry has ballooned and there are dirty dishes in the sink and clean ones in the dishwasher.
I am wearing dumpy blue sweatpants, Dilf's gold hooded sweatshirt and a knit blue winter cap on my head. It helps my head a bit.
I am exhuasted, unmotivated and feeling harried and overwhelmed.
If anyone thinks they can help with any of these problems, please let me know.