I'm going to have to talk about every mundane detail in my miserably inconsequential existence. Take my laundry. Please! (yuck yuck yuck)
Anyway. It's perfectly understandable that I could lose one of the 534,938 thousand pairs of little pink socks that come into my household, get worn once, and then mysteriously disappear. Well, one of each pair disappears. I then descend deeper and deeper into madness as I try to match each almost identical sock to a mate, only to be met with defeat at every turn. But I can understand missing socks; especially since the cat steals them.
But sheets? Bedsheets? How in God's good name can bedsheets disappear?
We have (had?) several sets of twin-sized sheets for the girls' beds. Four of them are Disney Princess-related. We also have one Hello Kitty, one non-branded fairy princess themed, and one aqua with blue and yellow flowers.
I am down to one fitted Cinderella sheet, some flat sheets and assorted pillowcases.
They aren't in the dirty laundry. They aren't in the linen closet. They aren't in the chest where I store spare items like holiday-themed tablecloths. They aren't in the girls' dresser drawers, their closet or their desk drawers.
They aren't in the side table drawer in my bedroom where I store the Übersheets.
I am at a loss. If a ghost came rummaging through the linen closet, one would think he'd steal the flat sheets. Also, he'd be a pretty harmless-looking ghost covered in pink dotted with smiling princesses.
I don't hang them out on a line to dry, so it's doubtful they flew away. Did they disintegrate? Spontaneously combust? What the hell could've happened?