When bored I write bad haiku.
You read it or die!
Golden melted cheese
Swaddles succulent sausage
Look, a Francheesie!
Please, do not touch it
If you touch it, it will burn
See, I told you so.
Smelly butt-face man
Sits drinking in a stale bar
He thinks he's hot stuff
My husband watches
Ultimate Fighting T.V.
Where's my sweetheart Dilf?
All crowds sound the same.
Did you ever notice that?
Oprah, NASCAR. Strange.
Poor ÜberYounger
The doctor gave her lotion
Yeast infections suck.
My neighbor hates cats
yet Muffin goes every day
To show him her love
Why must I be bored?
I could beat Dilf at Scrabble
He won't play with me.