This adds to another conundrum. My family has noticed a striking resemblence between Dilf and Alton Brown. Has my entire life been the manisfestation of a heretofore unacknowledged and submlimated infatuation with... Thomas Dolby?
I was 13 when "She Blinded Me with Science" came out, a ripe time for a young girl to develop a crush.
I have spent a lifetime in love with geeks.
Alton, Thomas and Dilf all have expressed love for their Mac's.
I leave it to you, readers. What do you think?
Thomas Dolby:

Alton Brown:


It's true, isn't it? ISN'T IT?
I'm in love with Thomas Dolby. I've always been in love with Thomas Dolby. It's time I came to terms with it.