Well, I haven't gotten it yet. Actually, I doubt I will. But a girl can dream, can't she?
Things I would like on my birthday:
Michigan Football to lose. Evil ex-husband is a Michigan fan, so I indulge my petty disgust of him once a year.
To get my hair cut; but to have it cut by the world's greatest stylist, who, through my newly-acquired ability to foresee the future, I absolutely 100 percent KNOW will cut my hair EXACTLY the way I want it.
Todd and Nick to find love. Not together, unless they're into that sort of thing.
Have a "mom" take care of my household for me. And, while she's at it, me.
The Clean Sweep team to re-organize my house from top to bottom. Then, a new kitchen and two new bathrooms added to my home. And the downstairs remodeled. I'd like a bar and a poker table for Dilf.
Anything else? Oh, landscaping.
And live music playing in my backyard, and an impromptu party. With good food. And gin and tonics.
I think I'm done.