We found out the answer to this question the hard way. The law enforcement officers of Wisconsin do. They lovingly valued our life by giving us a speeding ticket on the way up to Camp Nawakwa.
"If I overlook this traffic violation," reads the little folder encasing our traffic violation, "I would be disregarding the value of your life."
Honestly, it brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it? I have never felt so loved and cared for.
"We don't mean to make life harder for you...", they continue, "Just safer."
That was really nice of them to remind us to be more careful, wasn't it? I guess we'll just be on our way...
What??!! They're making us PAY for LOVE??!! $186??!! I thought prostitution was illegal.
Apparently, not in Wisconsin, if you're wearing a funny hat and stop people on the highway.
Fireworks are legal there, too, in case you're interested.