Also, thanks to Superstation WGN and the late, great Harry Caray, I've always had a place in my heart for the Cubs. It looked like they might finally "beat the curse" in 2004. I was at a crowded Buffalo Wild Wings in Henderson, NV when this happened:

Poor old Steve Bartman was too busy listening to his K-Tell Hits of the Disco Era cassette to realize what was happening around him, and the rest is history.
Of course, the next batter hit a double-play ball that the shortstop booted, but it's a lot easier to forgive the well-paid professional and blame the hapless dork who, as of 2004, still had a cassette walkman.
This is a first in the series Infamous Moments in Chicago History. It will probably also be the last. That's up to the author of this fine blog.