"I once got in a fight during a baseball game with Peter Ryndak, Steve Slomiany, and Jim Murtaugh. On my side I had Greg Zoeller and Todd Gilchrist. After about 3 minutes of intense Fight Club type action, Gilcrhist and Zoeller were gone, leaving me to get beaten to a pulp... until Jim Eschrich and Mark Dunn showed up. Dunn said something about calling his mom -- Eschrich actually threw a punch or two. To this day I thank Eschrich that I am only partially retarded. I thanked Dunn by larding his camper."
Questions for Roker:
- How did the fight start?
- Were you playing baseball, or were you a spectator?
- Did you lose any teeth?
- Did you get even with Gilchrist and Zoeller?
- Is "larding his camper" a euphamism for a sexual act?