20. A bachelor/bachelorette party thrown by a Talaxian several weeks before the wedding.
19. Guests from a minimum of four planets other than Terra, preferably from more than one quadrant.
18. A red-alert scattering field (which also disrupts cell phones and beepers).
17. DNA, chroniton, and quantum-level scans to make sure your intended is exactly who s/he/it claims to be, from the right universe and the right timestream.
16. Fully-paid life insurance premiums, especially if someone in the wedding wears a red shirt to work.
15. Personalized vows which include the lines, "Will you assimilate this life form, in carbon, silicon, or photon; in space and planetside; in gravity and in zero-gee; for starship, freighter, or shuttlecraft; for promotion or demotion; in reruns and in syndication; until low ratings do you part?"
14. A Klingon attendant whose sole function is to march over to anyone who pipes up during the "if anyone objects to this union" part of the ceremony, rip out his/her/its tongue, and wear it as a belt.
13. A money-back guarantee if your intended is an ensign and dies within thirty days of the wedding. Not applicable to the future spouse(s) of Harry Kim, since he's recyclable.
12. A Trill at the reception. (Guaranteed to liven up the party.)
11. A Borg bouncer.
10. Romulan ale, kanar, bloodwine, and Saurian brandy; but a Ferengi bartender. (Open bars are expensive.)
9. Designated shuttlecraft pilots, to make sure everyone gets home from the party.
8. Subcutaneous alcohol inhibitor for certain in-laws.
7. A best-man speech written by a Vulcan (to avoid the stupid "May all your ups and downs be between the sheets" kinds of jokes).
6. A court order forbidding the use of leola root in any consumable substance.
5. Lead-free Lobi crystal flutes for the champagne toast.
4. Guidance and tracking system for the bouquet and garter tosses.
3. A DJ who will play "The Time Warp," but not "The Chicken Dance."
2. A changing room for the newlyweds to shuck the dress uniforms and slip on the cozy and stylish neutrally-colored unitards everyone seems to prefer for off-duty wear.
1. Four pips on the officiant.