My favorite quote from him, explaining why he's not a "nice guy" to women (I have not corrected his grammar):
"Are so supposed to be the wuss with glasses who reads poetry at Barnes & Noble and cries when a rainbow appears?" I know I would cry should HE ever appear.
Coincidentally, when Googling "Metrosexual" to come up with a picture for this post, it served up this:

Do you suppose it's him? I mean, he put a picture, ostensibly of himself, on his blog, but how do we know for sure which is the REAL ModishMan?
By the way: I have nothing against Meterosexuals or anyone else who takes pride in his/her appearance, even if it seem silly to me. For instance, Nick thinks it's silly that I wax my unwanted eyebrow hair, but I don't; so, who's the arbiter of silliness? What I do object to is the dismissal of anyone who doesn't conform to his standards. Of course, by judging him for his poor grammar skills and superficial view of life, I guess I'm doing the same thing to him. Should I be concerned about this? Perhaps I should ask Reverend Jack about that.