You may say to yourselves, "Why, Ubermilf! We thought you were feeling ill! Where do you find the strength and stamina to find such wonderful blog items for us?"
The answer, simply, is love. I love you guys so much, I can't stop hunting for the perfect food items for you. Especially since the holidays are upon us!
Enjoy Chef Andy's Ring Around the Tuna. "Chef Andy's Household Hint: Jell-O prepared with tonic water glows under black light, but tastes really awful. For a better way to make your Jell-O mold glow, try serving it on a glass plate with an activated cyanamid lightstick underneath. Works especially well with green food such as Ring-Around-the-Tuna."

1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup boiling water
3/4 cup cold water
2 tablespoons vinegar
2 teaspoons grated onion
1/2 cup diced cucumber
1/2 cup diced celery *
2 tablespoons chopped pimiento *
2 tablespoons sliced stuffed olives
1 can (7 oz) tuna, drained and flaked
(*) or reduce celery to 1/4 cup and substitute 1/2 chopped tomato
for the pimiento.
Dissolve Jell-O Gelatin and salt in boiling water. Add cold water, vinegar,
and onion. Chill until very thick. Stir in remaining ingredients. Pour
into individual ring molds or a 1-quart ring mold. Chill until firm.
Unmold on crisp salad greens. If desired, serve with additional tuna and
top salads with mayonnaise. Makes 3 2/3 cups, or about 4 entree servings.