I'm crazy for Swayze ALL WEEK!
I've got a hankerin' for a hunk of cheese!
Also, Mr. Swayze would like to announce that Übermilf's plans for a SuperBowl party were overambitious, what with the continued ear funk and possibly thyroid disfunction and all. The Übers will be guests at a neighbor's SuperBowl party instead. Mr. Swayze apologizes for any inconvenience. Any complaints can be addressed to Mr. Swayze, via his production company. Thank you for your attention.
I've got a hankerin' for a hunk of cheese!
Also, Mr. Swayze would like to announce that Übermilf's plans for a SuperBowl party were overambitious, what with the continued ear funk and possibly thyroid disfunction and all. The Übers will be guests at a neighbor's SuperBowl party instead. Mr. Swayze apologizes for any inconvenience. Any complaints can be addressed to Mr. Swayze, via his production company. Thank you for your attention.