No, I am not prejudiced against ... whatever this guy is trying to dress as. Cuban? Mexican? A gay porn star? But it came up in the Google search when I entered my REAL prejudice.
Buck teeth. Is it bucked teeth? I don't know.
I have no reason for this bias. I mean, people can't control the size of their teeth. I think it has something to do with all the 1970's advertising icons and assorted cartoon characters I experienced growing up. As a small-toothed person, perhaps I felt alienated by the pro-toothiness of it all.
Unfortunately, what may have begun in my youth has come to haunt me in my adult life. One of the ÜberFriends, who lives across the street, has buck teeth. And a whiny, nasally voice. And is used to bullying her father and getting her way. So, maybe I have a reason to dislike her, but her buck teeth make me even less patient with her.
I don't have warm, soft maternal feelings toward her. There is an even more ill-behaved child with whom the Übergirls cavort, but I have more patience with her, and adopt a more nurturing, educational stance toward her bad behavior. She does not have protrubing chompers.
I am ashamed.