My new friend Monkey von Monkerstein brought this terrifying story to my attention this morning.
Do you think it's far-fetched? I don't think so. It's consistent with this administration's history.
This is why we need a separation of church and state. In addition to protecting an individual's right to believe as he or she chooses and to prohibit the establishment of an official national religion, it also prevents the government from claiming it speaks for God.
I am more concerned than ever about this book.
Everyone who's read my blog knows I am not an atheist. I am religious enough to know the difference between man-made and moral law. This isn't coming from God, people.
We are a government of the people, by the people and for the people. People fall victim to greed, fear and power lust. We the people are supposed to spot that when it happens, and correct it. When the system works, we should be able to do that peacefully, through the election process.
I desperately and dearly hope the system holds so that we can oust the current administration that would dare use people's cherished beliefs to further their aims.
Unlike them, I don't dare speak for God. But I'm hoping He gets pissed off enough to smash them all with his giant Monty Python foot and rid us of this evil.