But truth be told, I understand these people. Like the Renaissance Fair folks, they're just enjoying some escapism. Come on, we live in some pretty depressing times here -- if dressing in costumes can help some people forget about how our once-great country is being run into the ground by selfish opportunists, more power to them.
But, like Renaissance Fair-goers who wear garb from other time periods or genres to the detriment of their intended effect, some Comic Con-ners don't keep within the spirit of the characters they're trying to represent.
For instance, if you are not skeletal, perhaps you shouldn't try to be Skeletor:

If you are missing the helmet or headpiece from your costume, sometimes you just can't substitute whatever you find lying around on your bedroom floor:

Unlike Scarlet O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind", you can't just pull down your curtains or take apart your bedding to construct an outfit, and be recognizable:

And, finally, if the court has ordered you to remain in a mental health facility, you should listen:

Really, it's for your own good.