I am very busy today, as I am preparing for Thanksgiving. I am having a delightful horde of visitors.
But since I must post something, I'll post a to-do list off the top of my head:
- laundry
- grocery shopping
- dusting
- vaccuuming
- clean toilets
- get out serving dishes; check and clean
- get out tablecloths; check and clean
- extra table: what effort will be involved
- I need to borrow 4 chairs from somebody
- double-check recipes to make sure the list is all-inclusive (before shopping!)
- don't forget to check toilet paper stock
- remember how to make pie
- work with girls to clean their sties
- clean windows downstairs (their are icky cobwebs between the glass and screens)
- make centerpieces
- finish decorating
- change bed linens (I usually do this on Mondays)
- make place cards
- probably lots of stuff I'm forgetting
Dilf has a list, too. Maybe I'll post that tomorrow. I'm sure you can hardly wait.