Cuntzilla is enraging me lately because she is ruining my righteous indignation against the evil credit card companies and mortgage industry and all the rest of the corporate giants keeping us in indentured servitude, like the Joads in The Grapes of Wrath were permanently indebted to The Company Store.
Because for every person falling under the wheels of the oppressive economy right now for reasons they can't control, like a health crisis or job layoff, there is a Cuntzilla who richly deserves, yet doesn't learn from, her predicament.
My brother and Cuntzilla declared bankruptcy earlier this year, allowing them to keep their house. They were buried under credit card debt, and even now pay more to their creditors per month under their bankruptcy settlement than Dilf and I ever owed in minimum payments when our credit cards were at their highest. And we felt nervous about it, and took steps to fix the situation.
But Cuntzilla? She is acting as if the bankruptcy awarded her a get out of jail free card. And my dumbass brother follows right along.
They're back to going out to dinner, getting beauty treatments (well, Cuntzilla is. Not that it helps much), going on trips -- then getting socked with overdraft fees when they need new tires for their car, because they need to pay cash for everything now. Never mind if it's actually in the account or not.
But worse than that is Cuntzilla's willingness to lie in order to get the luxuries she feels she so richly deserved. Like, trying to con my mother into buying my niece expensive shoes she doesn't need, claiming "her feet are too wide to fit into normal shoes." Because her current dress shoes, Cuntzilla feels, don't do the dresses my mom bought her justice.
Gee, thanks for the dresses, lady. Now make with the shoes. But not those cheap-o shoes your trashy daughter (me) makes do with; I want the good stuff. My friends look at that sort of thing. As do I. Did you notice my Kate Spade purse? What, no??? Everyone else does. Peasant.
Anyway, it's not that I or everyone else in the world doesn't like stuff. Even if you think you don't like stuff, you like stuff. Even St. Francis of Assisi liked animals and Nativity scenes. But what ticks me off is when you expect to have things handed to you, rather than work for them. Give something to the world, get something back from the world -- it's that simple.
And now, a word from Gimme Gimme Octopus:
ALSO: My friend Darth's daughter had a health scare this weekend. Maybe he could use some kind words and warm thoughts.

Name: Übermilf
Location: Chicago Area

If being easily irritated, impatient and rebellious is sexy, then call me MILF -- Übermilf.
So you want more huh?
Click here!
Perverts, scram. There's nothing for you here.
Now, who wants cupcakes?
Location: Chicago Area

If being easily irritated, impatient and rebellious is sexy, then call me MILF -- Übermilf.
So you want more huh?
Click here!
Perverts, scram. There's nothing for you here.
Now, who wants cupcakes?

The Sexiest Man Alive
Ubermilf Dark
B.A.'s Monkeys and Robots
Dash Bradley's missing!!!!
Melanie Kicks Ass!
I Love Lo Lo Lova
Check out his Sac
A Professor; he doesn't like Bush, either
The British Vegetarian -- left us again
Hope for the Future -- Canada
Look! It's SYSM!
Fun with Stitch and Bitch!
WonderBoy Antonio
The devil, you say!
Return of Loz from Oz
Terasita Mommacita
Hey Sister, Soul Sister
l'homme de singe
Darth What's-His-Face
Daddy Flounder
My Pal in Purgatory
Veritably Bare
Long Lost Twin Brother Mom Kept Secret
Satan's Plumber
Dear Prudence (and honor)
He says he's scared, but he's not
Citizen of the Month
Double Post. Double Post.
Bridget, aka the Hamstress
Miss Julie
Delightfully Crabby Old Man
He's Not From Birmingham!!!!!
Miss Fritz
Fran, She Is
Jeannie Martini
White Boy Bob BACK BABY
Fez-Wearing Monkey for President
Viva Las ToddASS
Dr. Sardonic
Ask Reverend Jack(Back!)
Mr. Importantness
Melliferous Pants.
My cute widdle uppity-puppety
Jiggsy Baby
Miss Kendra
Banana Blogarama
Spinning Girl
Middle Aged White Guy
Guy Who Writes for my Local Paper
Mr. Peanut
Tits McGee
our new ape overlord
Church Lady!
Frieda Bee's Thyroid Blog
Randal, not Tony
<< # Bitch Club ? >>
Cupcake Allies
Cupcake Ladies
National Cupcake Liberation Army
My Beloved Monarch
The King of Cake
Ubermilf Dark
B.A.'s Monkeys and Robots
Dash Bradley's missing!!!!
Melanie Kicks Ass!
I Love Lo Lo Lova
Check out his Sac
A Professor; he doesn't like Bush, either
The British Vegetarian -- left us again
Hope for the Future -- Canada
Look! It's SYSM!
Fun with Stitch and Bitch!
WonderBoy Antonio
The devil, you say!
Return of Loz from Oz
Terasita Mommacita
Hey Sister, Soul Sister
l'homme de singe
Darth What's-His-Face
Daddy Flounder
My Pal in Purgatory
Veritably Bare
Long Lost Twin Brother Mom Kept Secret
Satan's Plumber
Dear Prudence (and honor)
He says he's scared, but he's not
Citizen of the Month
Double Post. Double Post.
Bridget, aka the Hamstress
Miss Julie
Delightfully Crabby Old Man
He's Not From Birmingham!!!!!
Miss Fritz
Fran, She Is
Jeannie Martini
White Boy Bob BACK BABY
Fez-Wearing Monkey for President
Viva Las ToddASS
Dr. Sardonic
Ask Reverend Jack(Back!)
Mr. Importantness
Melliferous Pants.
My cute widdle uppity-puppety
Jiggsy Baby
Miss Kendra
Banana Blogarama
Spinning Girl
Middle Aged White Guy
Guy Who Writes for my Local Paper
Mr. Peanut
Tits McGee
our new ape overlord
Church Lady!
Frieda Bee's Thyroid Blog
Randal, not Tony
<< # Bitch Club ? >>
Cupcake Ladies
National Cupcake Liberation Army
The King of Cake

Complaint Day One: Spoilage
Coming Up This Week on Übermilf...
Blogging Excellence and Kitty Poop Updates
I Almost Forgot to Post Today!
Out of the Woodwork, Cowards! I Know You're There!
Bad Kitty! EXTREMELY Bad Kitty!
Poetry on the Road
Dilf Took Me With Him This Time
I'm Traveling.
I'm Traveling.
Coming Up This Week on Übermilf...
Blogging Excellence and Kitty Poop Updates
I Almost Forgot to Post Today!
Out of the Woodwork, Cowards! I Know You're There!
Bad Kitty! EXTREMELY Bad Kitty!
Poetry on the Road
Dilf Took Me With Him This Time
I'm Traveling.
I'm Traveling.

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