Although just last week I actually wrote the words "Republicans eat babies," I am dedicating this week to finding conservatives with whom I agree. I won't agree with them wholeheartedly, but that doesn't mean I can't agree with them occasionally. And I think we can build upon those occasions and help save America. Maybe.
I am battling some serious "but what about them?" feelings. How often does a conservative/Republican try the same tack? Add that to the fact I believe Democrats were completely tricked into passing that bailout package, and I am not feeling particularly warm and fuzzy toward Republicans right now. On the other hand, I think there's a difference between a "conservative," who sincerely holds to a set of ideals I can understand and even get behind in certain instances, and a lobbyist-beholden Republican politician. With these conservatives, I think we can find some common ground. Maybe.
I'm starting with this guy. Although some people believe liberals have been suffering outrage fatigue for many years now, it's good to see conservatives finally sharing our impotent feelings of fury.