I can't fold and put away laundry. I can sort it, pre-treat the stains, dump it in the washer with appropriate washing fluids, clean the dryer's lint shield, put in a softener sheet and put it in the dryer on the proper temperature. I can put it in a laundry basket and carry it upstairs.
I just can't seem to move forward from there. I even dump it out onto my bed. Sometimes, I even sort it into piles: Dilf, Elder, Younger, me. Then, I freeze. I go into avoidance mode. "I'll get to it after I (make lunch, unload the dishwasher, scrub the toilet, scour the bathtub, vacuum, sweep the floor, sort the mail, clean the toothpaste flecks off the mirror, clean the microwave ... ooh, maybe if I made myself a cheery DVD from ITunes, THAT would inspire me to do the laundry! Oh, I know, I'll blog about it. That's a great idea!) Then, bedtime rolls around and I put the laundry back in its basket. I have three baskets of clean, unfolded laundry in my bedroom. They've been there since last Thursday.
Why? Someone... anyone... for the love of all that is good and wholesome, please tell me what my hang up is.