While pro-choice advocates are concerned about the fate of abortion rights in the hands of Bush Supreme Court appointees, it seems something else outranks the fate of itty bitty unborn babies: the rights of corporations to cheat people out of their hard-earned money.
That's right, as long as those nasty, unwashed hordes of investors insist on threatening those poor, innocent, vulnerable titans of industry, the Supreme Court will not rest until every last CEO can rest his head on his downy-white pillow at night, untroubled and worry-free.
Surely the Supremes must fear the reaction of our mighty Decider in Chief to this ruling. After all, he spoke with such strength and conviction in 2002, at the height of the scandals which precipitated these lawsuits.
I'm waiting for his wrath to descend upon the highest court in the land. I'm sure it will be any day now.