I remember I was wearing these very ugly yet very comfortable green terry cloth pajamas, to which the drawstring had long disappeared from the pants. They were on their second pregnancy, after all. I pulled up my sleeves, put on some rubber gloves, cleaned up the floor and began plunging. Elder was still wailing in the next room, convinced she had broken the whole house.
My gruesome task completed, I pulled off the gloves, scrubbed and disinfected myself, comforted my toddler, and put her back in her bed. I then returned to the living room, where the TV was showing a Lexus commercial. A glamorous couple decked out in evening clothes was going to some fancy, glittering extravaganza in their brand new luxury sedan. I had to laugh at the juxtaposition of circumstances.
When my friend White Boy Bob sent me the following video, that story entered my mind:
So I ask you, what do you want, and why do you want it? Is it real, or a Grand Illusion?