Vincent Price was so deliciously spooky that Michael Jackson turned to him for help with "Thriller" when he needed someone even creepier than himself. He appeared in countless horror movies, including "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston.
Thus, it may surprise some of you to learn that Mr. Price was also an excellent cook, who not only sold cookbooks but actually had his own cooking show called "Cooking Price-Wise".
He may have intended to keep his cooking and his horror careers separate, but when you hear his voice in your head saying, "Come Into the Kitchen," it still seems pretty scary, as does his confessional "I Rub My Roast." (thanks to April Winchell, yet again.)
Speaking of creepy and fear-inducing, I'd like to share this story with you. Despite the fact that this man was planning a terrorist attack to both cover up his wife's intended murder AND obtain more money from her life insurance policy, AND despite the fact that nearly 2/3 of the poison he purchased is unaccounted for and the man in question "declined to comment after the hearing on whether the missing vials or the contents of the empty vials posed a public danger," the Chicago Tribune decided this story is not front page material. I found it in the Metro section.
Go ahead, read the whole story. Nice job, FBI and National Security Administration. I just wish Richard Reid had told investigators "I was bored," when questioned. Then maybe we all wouldn't have to take our shoes off at the airport.

Name: Übermilf
Location: Chicago Area

If being easily irritated, impatient and rebellious is sexy, then call me MILF -- Übermilf.
So you want more huh?
Click here!
Perverts, scram. There's nothing for you here.
Now, who wants cupcakes?
Location: Chicago Area

If being easily irritated, impatient and rebellious is sexy, then call me MILF -- Übermilf.
So you want more huh?
Click here!
Perverts, scram. There's nothing for you here.
Now, who wants cupcakes?

The Sexiest Man Alive
Ubermilf Dark
B.A.'s Monkeys and Robots
Dash Bradley's missing!!!!
Melanie Kicks Ass!
I Love Lo Lo Lova
Check out his Sac
A Professor; he doesn't like Bush, either
The British Vegetarian -- left us again
Hope for the Future -- Canada
Look! It's SYSM!
Fun with Stitch and Bitch!
WonderBoy Antonio
The devil, you say!
Return of Loz from Oz
Terasita Mommacita
Hey Sister, Soul Sister
l'homme de singe
Darth What's-His-Face
Daddy Flounder
My Pal in Purgatory
Veritably Bare
Long Lost Twin Brother Mom Kept Secret
Satan's Plumber
Dear Prudence (and honor)
He says he's scared, but he's not
Citizen of the Month
Double Post. Double Post.
Bridget, aka the Hamstress
Miss Julie
Delightfully Crabby Old Man
He's Not From Birmingham!!!!!
Miss Fritz
Fran, She Is
Jeannie Martini
White Boy Bob BACK BABY
Fez-Wearing Monkey for President
Viva Las ToddASS
Dr. Sardonic
Ask Reverend Jack(Back!)
Mr. Importantness
Melliferous Pants.
My cute widdle uppity-puppety
Jiggsy Baby
Miss Kendra
Banana Blogarama
Spinning Girl
Middle Aged White Guy
Guy Who Writes for my Local Paper
Mr. Peanut
Tits McGee
our new ape overlord
Church Lady!
Frieda Bee's Thyroid Blog
Randal, not Tony
<< # Bitch Club ? >>
Cupcake Allies
Cupcake Ladies
National Cupcake Liberation Army
My Beloved Monarch
The King of Cake
Ubermilf Dark
B.A.'s Monkeys and Robots
Dash Bradley's missing!!!!
Melanie Kicks Ass!
I Love Lo Lo Lova
Check out his Sac
A Professor; he doesn't like Bush, either
The British Vegetarian -- left us again
Hope for the Future -- Canada
Look! It's SYSM!
Fun with Stitch and Bitch!
WonderBoy Antonio
The devil, you say!
Return of Loz from Oz
Terasita Mommacita
Hey Sister, Soul Sister
l'homme de singe
Darth What's-His-Face
Daddy Flounder
My Pal in Purgatory
Veritably Bare
Long Lost Twin Brother Mom Kept Secret
Satan's Plumber
Dear Prudence (and honor)
He says he's scared, but he's not
Citizen of the Month
Double Post. Double Post.
Bridget, aka the Hamstress
Miss Julie
Delightfully Crabby Old Man
He's Not From Birmingham!!!!!
Miss Fritz
Fran, She Is
Jeannie Martini
White Boy Bob BACK BABY
Fez-Wearing Monkey for President
Viva Las ToddASS
Dr. Sardonic
Ask Reverend Jack(Back!)
Mr. Importantness
Melliferous Pants.
My cute widdle uppity-puppety
Jiggsy Baby
Miss Kendra
Banana Blogarama
Spinning Girl
Middle Aged White Guy
Guy Who Writes for my Local Paper
Mr. Peanut
Tits McGee
our new ape overlord
Church Lady!
Frieda Bee's Thyroid Blog
Randal, not Tony
<< # Bitch Club ? >>
Cupcake Ladies
National Cupcake Liberation Army
The King of Cake

Just in Time! Recession Recipes!
Don't Eat It Update
Back to the Food:
Did you know that sarcasm is good for you?
Where Conspiracy Minds Go on Vacation
potato salad
Salad Dressing Plague Hits Ohio
C'Mon... You Know You Want It...
Why, This Almost Tastes Like Real Food!
July's Theme: Food
Don't Eat It Update
Back to the Food:
Did you know that sarcasm is good for you?
Where Conspiracy Minds Go on Vacation
potato salad
Salad Dressing Plague Hits Ohio
C'Mon... You Know You Want It...
Why, This Almost Tastes Like Real Food!
July's Theme: Food

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